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Bertrand Russel (Dov Fedler)

A highly collectable, limited bronze series by well known cartoonist and sculptor, Dov Fedler.

The collection was owned by Dr. Michael Britt (Pulmonologist) for former president Nelson Mandela.  These works are from his estate.

  • Dov Fedler (SA 1940 – )
  • Total Size: H: 170 mm x  W: 70 mm x D: 110 mm
SKU: ADL0075 Categories: , ,

Bertrand Arthur William Russell. 3rd Earl Russel (18 May 1872 – 2 February 1970) was a British mathematician, philiphosopher and public intellectual.  He had a major influence on mathematics, logic and set theory. And various areas of philosophy.  He was one of the early 20th century’s prominent logicians.

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